No, not
Marvel's Foxfire from
The Squadron Supreme series...
This is Foxfire from
Malibu Comics':
Ultraverse. Although, funny enough- this title
was launched out of the
Phoenix: Resurrection thing that happened
after Marvel had purchased Malibu...
Foxfire was bred as a super-weapon fifty years in the future and then hidden, from an evil alien race, in the present day in order to be able to mature- so she could, in time, defeat them... Her "parents" were secretly robot guardians assigned to protect her but eventually her "father" is killed, and her "mother" malfunctions and is now trying to destroy her.
Written by
Ian Edginton and
Dan Abnett, and penciled by
Kevin J. West- it only lasted four issues before the entire Malibu Universe was folded away, buried, and forgotten in Earth-93060.
Issue #1 had a really nice cover by Steve Lightle. I know this particular gimmick is something that has been done before- but I still love it...
...seeing the front, and back view of the same image- on each side of the book. He even adjusted the lighting accordingly! Noice.